Email Marketing Strategies – If one of your marketing

If one of your marketing tactics has resonated with your audience, share it with your company’s sales team so they know to keep using these tactics to move leads further down the funnel. The pandemic has led many marketers to resort to mass emails in 2020, but prospects are unlikely to respond to this tactic in 2021. Make the content of your emails fun, either by ending each message with an industry-specific joke or by sending a corny meme or GIF that you think your customers will like. When the 2020 pandemic and economic uncertainty changed the business landscape, many marketers doubled down on their email efforts and focused on a channel they could control. However, the same HubSpot report showed that open email marketing metrics are still 10-20% above average. Email has been around for 50 years and is still a viable marketing strategy if you know how to reach potential customers. Focus on the following four tactics to improve your email marketing strategy in 2021. According to the HubSpot report mentioned above, sales teams sent 44% more emails in the second quarter of 2020 compared to the first quarter. Step away from self-promotion and include content that your customers find useful or interesting in your communications. According to Campaign Monitor, 68% of Americans decide whether or not to open an email based on the sender’s name alone. So you need to personalize your emails to get more engagement from potential customers. If the email is mostly about one aspect of your business, try sending it from [department head] to [your company] to make the message more human. If you’re having trouble finding potential clients, that doesn’t mean you should give up email altogether. Get to know more about your potential clients with each email and make sure they know you’re listening to them. In addition, the growing investment in tools like Outreach, SalesLoft and HubSpot show that many professionals are optimizing their marketing communications.