Not a writer? Not a problem anymore

Online business

Not a writer? Not a problem anymore.

Content, content, content. Content makes the web go round.

From the moment you begin researching ways to make money online, you hear WRITING, WRITING, and MORE WRITING, over and over again. There’s a reason for that and we’re going to discuss how the written word can make you money, but YOU don’t have to be the one doing all that writing. Save your paper and your wrists!

One of the hottest ways to make money online is through the power of blogging. But, what does blogging require? What do you think? What ONE thing must you do above all else in order to blog?

If you’re like the majority of people, your answer probably included…you guessed it…WRITING! After all, that’s what a blog is all about right? On your blog you are sharing your thoughts with others in the form of blog posts that you’ve written – constant writing.

Before you run for the hills, let me let you in on a little secret. While those blog posts are necessary in order for you to be a successful blogger, they do NOT all have to be written by you. You need content to make your blog successful, but it does not have to be written by you. Let me explain by giving you some ways to make money and keep your blog fresh without wearing yourself out or giving yourself Carpal Tunnel Syndrome before you even get started bringing in the dough.

But, first, you need to know why content so important on the Internet and especially your blog.

Why is Content Crucial?

Here are a few reasons…

First of all, people come to the web for one thing and one thing only – information. Whether they’re shopping for products to buy or looking for a natural remedy for their acne, they’re hitting the web for information, advice, and help.

If your readers find quality information from you they’re very likely to:

  • Stick Around
  • Sign Up for Your ezine or newsletter
  • Twitter about your site
  • Recommend your posts at places like
  • Sign up for your RSS feed
  • Come back in the future
  • Refer others to your site

Second, search engines LOVE content. The more pages you have on your website or blog filled with quality content, the better. Whether you offer product reviews, funny stories, or meaty training, quality content is rewarded by Google, MSN, and Yahoo, as well as the many other smaller search engines online.

Third, adding value to the Internet begins to establish you as an expert on your topic. By writing great information, your readers will begin to look at you as THE go-to person for information. You’ll begin attracting interview and JV requests as well.

Add quality information to your blog without having to write it all yourself

As you can see content really is important if you want to build a successful blog or website on the Internet. Without it, your site is just another in the World Wide Web. How can people find you if they don’t know you exist? By establishing yourself and providing your readers with quality posts and other valuable information they need and want, you will see that you can easily become one of the big fish in the pond.

But, what if you don’t have time to write constantly? Or, what if you don’t like writing? You’re in luck, there are many ways to add quality information to your blog without having to write it all yourself.

Before we get to that, let me tell you that while you can create a blog purely made up of content that you don’t write yourself, I wouldn’t advise it. If you want to really resonate with your readers, you have to let them get to know you as well. Don’t shy away from writing some posts yourself, but instead use these content creation methods along with your own writing to create even more quality information for your visitors.

Need help rewritting an article? If you have read an article and would like to post it to your own website blog or social media, check out our FREE article rewriting service.

Help rewriting an article for your blog

You often see articles you like on the Internet, articles that match your products or services, or articles that match your website and social media, but you cannot copy and share them. Let us help you rewrite the content of the article you want with our article writers, please try our completely free article rewriting service.