Keyword research and tools that you can use to find the best keywords and phrases for your business


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Keyword research and tools that you can use to find

the best keywords and phrases for your business

In the last issue we talked about the importance of keyword density. In this issue we are going to talk about keyword research and tools that you can use to find the best keywords and phrases for your business.

When you are doing your keyword research is the good rule of thumb to choose keywords that are frequently searched for and are in high demand, but not being used by to many other websites and competitors.

Keyword research can be broken down into a three step process. The first step is the discovery phase. In this step you want to focus on identifying as many keywords or phrases as possible.

Initially you need to sit down and make a list of keyword/keyword phrases that describe the topic of your website. You can do this by jotting down, descriptive words that come to mind, and by using your dictionary. At this point include every word or phrase that you can think of.

There are several keyword tools that are available to help you generate a keyword list. This makes the job much easier. Some of these tools are free, like and the Google Adwords Tool while others like are fee based. With these tools you will be able to generate hundreds of keyword phrases quickly and easily.

I prefer the Google Keyword Tool. It generates potential keywords for your ad campaign and reports statistics, including search performance, seasonal trends and the best part is it’s free.

It has some very useful features that include:

– Sorting the results of your desired keyword search by popularity, past performance history within the AdWords system, cost, and predicted ad position.

– Easy keyword manipulation where you can select a few keywords here and there or add them all at once.

– Searches for keywords present even in any webpage URL specified by your search. It can also expand your keyword search even further to include those pages that are linked to or from the original URL page.

– More keyword results are generated based on regularly updated usage statistics database. This helps you to get new keywords or phrases.

It also provides you with tips on how to use the tool to get the best results, so that you can easily narrow down your final selection of keyword phases.

Of course there are many more options available besides the Google Keyword Tool. Below is a quick list of some that you can try out.

Word tracker

SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool

Good Keywords

Self SEO

Keyword Discovery

Global Promoter

Rapid Keyword – software with a free trial

And that is just a few. Ultimately, which tool you decide to use is completely up to you. There are many available. I recommend testing out a few before you make your final decision to find one that works best for you.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about submitting your business website to the search engines.